Class: KimMailInfo

Represents metadata of a KIM Mail without the actual body or attachment information


Name Type Description
pop3ServerUid string The messageId of the mail
storageId string The id of the mail in the storage
messageId string The messageId of the mail
sentDate Date The date when the message was sent
receivedDate Date The date when the message was received
hasAttachments boolean Determines wether the mail has attachments
hasMailBeenEncrypted boolean Determines wether the mail was decrypted from an encrypted KIM mail
hasSignatureBeenValid boolean Determines wether the signature of mail was valid
hasErrors boolean Determines wether there were processing errors
kimVersion string The KIM Version specified in the mail header X-KOM-LE-Version
kimDienstkennung string The KIM Dienstkennung specified in the mail header X-KIM-Dienstkennung
from MailAddressType The sender of the mail
subject string The subject of the mail
recipientsTo MailAddressType[] The recipients to-addresses to whom the mail was sent
recipientsCc MailAddressType[] The recipients cc-addresses to whom the mail was sent