
The main entry point to the Ti365 TypeScript SDK is the class Ti365. It provides services for registration and authentication.

Important prerequisite

Ti365 needs to be initialized with the Ti365-Gateway-URL. This is done using Ti365.init(url).


Ti365 uses two factor authentication on new devices. If a device was used before, the second factor is not always required. A SMS-Pin is used as second factor.

Ti365 uses the PAKE-Protocol SRP6a for authenticating the user without sharing the password or a hashed version of it with the backend server.


To start with the authentication of a user, an AuthenticationService is required:

const authenticationService = Ti365.createAuthenticationService();

The login request takes the username and password and returns a LoginResult. The LoginResult consists of a status which determines the result of the login operation and a session: Ti365Session in case of a successful login.

const loginResult = await this.authenticationService.login(this.usernameInput.value, this.passwordInput.value);
switch (loginResult.status) {
    case "SUCCESS":         // The provided credentials are correct, no second factor is required. The loginResult.session carries a Ti365Session
    case "MFA_REQUIRED":    // The provided credentials are correct, but a second factor is required
    case "LOGIN_FAILED":     // The provided credentials are incorrect
    default:                // no other state should occur in the first login step

If the second facor is required, a SMS-Pin will be automatically sent to the users phone. The authentication process continues with the SMS-Pin as follows:

const loginResult = await this.authenticationService.confirmMfa(this.smsPinInput.value);
switch (loginResult.status) {
    case "SUCCESS":             // The provided SMS-Pin is correct. The loginResult.session carries a Ti365Session
    case "MFA_INVALID":         // The provided SMS-Pin is incorrect
    case "MFA_TRIES_EXCEEDED":  // The maximum allowed tries for the PIN is reached. A new login() call is required which results in a new SMS-Pin.
    default:                    // no other state should occur in the second login step

After a successful login, the session: Ti365Session of the LoginResult will be the entry point to the Ti365 services.

Ti365Session Services

The Ti365Session returned from the authentication service provides the following services:

  • VzdService : The VzdService provides access to the Verzeichnisdienst.
  • VsdmService : The VsdmService provides access to the Versichertenstammdatenmanagement.